Chilean Black Metal Fan Kills Priest, Attempts Suicide: Nation In Shock
Da bringt ein offenbar vollkommen durchgeknallter Typ einen Priester um. Wenn das mal nicht Wasser auf die Medienmühlen ist, die darauf sicherlich eine schöne Story bauen werden, die Vorurteile bedient und dadurch dem Zuschauer gefällt:
The Chilean media is said to in shock over the incident and has focused on finding a connection between the killing of Father Gazziero and Orias' devotion to black metal bands like DARK FUNERAL and MARDUK. Several recent TV programs have featured discussions about sects, Satan and Satanic metal, generating the kind of media frenzy unseen in Chile since the Church banned IRON MAIDEN from performing in Santiago almost a decade ago due to the band's "demonic" overtones.
Auch interessant:
Father Bernardino Zanella, the vicar responsible for the Servites in Santiago, told the Missionary Service News Agency that "the phenomenon of Satanism in Chile, as in other countries of the world, is growing strongly. Numerous groups are active in the country, especially in the cities, although in recent years their presence has also spread to minor urban centers."
In einem erzkatholischen Land regt sich also Widerstand. Oh Wunder.
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